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Italian Cookies

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Italian Fig Cookies 2

Italian Fig Cookies I

Panna Cotta

Struffoli-Honey Dough Balls

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Cannoli Shells

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Mar. 26
visitor: 21885
Joe's Cannolli Shells

4 cups sifted flour
3 Tablespoons butter
2 egg yolks and whites seperated
2 Tablespoons sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
½ cup white wine or Marsala
canola oil for frying
Mix flour, sugar, and salt in bowl.  Cut in butter.  Add egg yolks.  Stir in wine, 1 tablespoon at a time, until dough-like consistency forms.

With hands, form dough into two or more balls.  Cover and let stand 30 minutes.

Roll dough ball with rolling pin on floured surface until thin (1/8th inch or less).  Cut in 4-inch circles.  Wrap circles around cannoli forms, dipping fingers in egg whites to dampen overlapping edges so they will stick together.  Fry in hot oil (350 degrees) until golden brown, approximately one minute.  Drain, and gently remove forms.
Cool the forms between each shell. 

Cool the shells completely before filling. I put in a plastic tub in the fridge.

Fill cannoli shells immediately before serving.  Garnish ends with extra chopped pistachio and/or chocolate chips.  Sprinkle tips of cannoli with powdered sugar.