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Italian Cookies

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Italian Fig Cookies I

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Mar. 26
visitor: 22030
From Katie who is originally from Brooklyn
~Ernie DiMaggio
Need picture
1 pound sweet butter
1 pound confectioners sugar (3 ½ cups)
9 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
9 teaspoon baking powder
1 box cake flour with enough regular flour to make a proper  consistency (dough you can roll)

Cream butter and then gradually add sugar.  Continue beating …then beat eggs separately and add to butter and sugar mix.  Add vanilla.  Add baking powder and flour until dough is the consistency.  Take about 1 full teaspoon and roll into a small log and then twist it around.  Bake for 10 minutes @ 350 or until the bottoms are golden brown…they will look white and not cooked you will have to ice them. 

Icing  is confectionery sugar mixed with orange juice.  Mix enough so its not runny and you can dip the top of the cookies…Sprinkle with colored confection and store in a tight sealed container.